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The theory

Headers are kind of complicated, so many RFCs to study, so many forms to comprehend. This package offers the possibility to handle most of the forms you could encounter.

So, after my researches on Mozilla MDN and IETF websites, I have elaborated a new way to handle them.

Roots concepts


What you should know before getting started :

Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

Here text/html is a member of Content-Type, also charset is an attribute and its associated with the value UTF-8.


Provided models, Headers and Header does not inherit from Mapping nor does it from List. Some package prefers to inherit from them, we do not.

In most headers, the semi-colon ; character is used as a separator. But you can also see some headers using a single comma , as a separator.

Here’s how I understand those two separators.

  • The single comma indicate that their is multiple entries for the same headers.
  • The semi-colon separate members inside the same entry and therefor cannot be interpreted separately.

Writing Accept: text/html, application/json;q=0.8 is another way to write :

Accept: text/html
Accept: application/json;q=0.8


In this project case insensitive mean no distinction between lower and upper letters plus the character - eq _.

  • The header name is case insensitive.
  • Every member of an header is case insensitive except the value associated with an attribute.