Module kiss_headers.models
Function lock_output_type
def lock_output_type(lock: bool = True) -> NoneType
This method will restrict type entropy by always returning a List[Header] instead of Union[Header, List[Header]]
Class Attributes
class Attributes(members: List[str])
Dedicated class to handle attributes within a Header. Wrap an AttributeBag and offer methods to manipulate it with ease. Store advanced info on attributes, case insensitive on keys and keep attrs ordering.
Instance variables
Variable last_index
Simply output the latest index used in attributes. Index start from zero.
Method insert
def insert(self, key: str, value: Union[str, NoneType], index: Union[int, NoneType] = None) -> NoneType
Method keys
def keys(self) -> List[str]
This method return a list of attribute name that have at least one value associated to them.
Method remove
def remove(self, key: str, index: Union[int, NoneType] = None, with_value: Union[bool, NoneType] = None) -> NoneType
Class Header
class Header(name: str, content: str)
Object representation of a single Header.
:param name: The name of the header, should contain only ASCII characters with no spaces in it. :param content: Initial content associated with the header.
Instance variables
Variable attrs
List of members or attributes found in provided content. This list is ordered and normalized. eg. Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8; format=origin Would output : [‘application/json’, ‘charset’, ‘format’]
Variable comments
Retrieve comments in header content.
Variable content
Output associated content to the header as it was captured initially.
header = Header("ETag", '"33a64df551425fcc55e4d42a148795d9f25f89d4"')
Variable name
Output the original header name as it was captured initially.
Variable normalized_name
Output header name but normalized, lower case and ‘-‘ character become ‘_’.
Variable pretty_name
Output a prettified name of the header. The first letter capitalized on each word.
Variable unfolded_content
Output unfolded associated content to the header. Meaning that every LF + n space(s) would be properly replaced.
Variable valued_attrs
List of distinct attributes that have at least one value associated with them. This list is ordered and normalized. This property could have been written under the keys() method, but implementing it would interfere with dict() cast and the iter() method. eg. Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8; format=origin Would output : [‘charset’, ‘format’]
Method get
def get(self, attr: str) -> Union[str, List[str], NoneType]
Retrieve the associated value of an attribute.
header = Header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed")
Method has
def has(self, attr: str) -> bool
Safely check if the current header has an attribute or adjective in it.
Method has_many
def has_many(self, name: str) -> bool
Determine if an attribute name has multiple entries in Header. Detect OneToMany entries.
header = Header("A", "charset=UTF-8; charset=ASCII; format=flowed")
Method insert
def insert(self, _Header__index: int, *_Header__members: str, **_Header__attributes: Union[str, NoneType]) -> NoneType
This method allows you to properly insert attributes into a Header instance.
Method pop
def pop(self) -> Tuple[str, Union[str, List[str], NoneType]]
Permit to pop an element from a Header with a given index.
header = Header("X", "a; b=k; h; h; z=0; y=000")
('b', 'k')
('y', '000')
('z', '0')
Class Headers
class Headers(*headers: Union[List[kiss_headers.models.Header], kiss_headers.models.Header])
Object-oriented representation for Headers. Contains a list of Header with some level of abstraction. Combine advantages of dict, CaseInsensibleDict, list, multi-dict, and native objects. Headers do not inherit the Mapping type, but it does borrow some concepts from it.
:param headers: Initial list of header. Can be empty.
Method get
def get(self, header: str) -> Union[kiss_headers.models.Header, List[kiss_headers.models.Header], NoneType]
Retrieve header from headers if exists.
Method has
def has(self, header: str) -> bool
Safely check if header name is in headers.
Method has_many
def has_many(self, name: str) -> bool
Determine if a header name has multiple entries in Headers. Detect OneToMany entries.
headers = Header("A", "0") + Header("A", "1") + Header("B", "sad")
Method index
def index(self, _Headers__value: Union[kiss_headers.models.Header, str]) -> int
Search for the first appearance of an header based on its name or instance in Headers. Same method signature as list().index(). Raises IndexError if not found.
headers = Header("A", "hello") + Header("B", "world") + Header("C", "funny; riddle")
headers.index("A", 1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
IndexError: Value 'A' is not present within Headers.
headers.index("A", 0, 1)
Method insert
def insert(self, _Headers__index: int, _Headers__header: kiss_headers.models.Header) -> NoneType
Insert header before the given index.
Method items
def items(self) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]
Provide a list witch each entry contains a tuple of header name and content. This won’t return an ItemView as Headers does not inherit from Mapping.
headers = Header("X-Hello-World", "1") + Header("Content-Type", "happiness=True") + Header("Content-Type", "happiness=False")
[('X-Hello-World', '1'), ('Content-Type', 'happiness=True'), ('Content-Type', 'happiness=False')]
Method keys
def keys(self) -> List[str]
Return a list of distinct header name set in headers. Be aware that it won’t return a typing.KeysView. Also this method allows you to create a case sensitive dict.
Method pop
def pop(self) -> Union[kiss_headers.models.Header, List[kiss_headers.models.Header]]
Pop header instance(s) from headers. By default the last one. Accept index as integer or header name. If you pass a header name, it will pop from Headers every entry named likewise.
headers = Header("A", "hello") + Header("B", "world") + Header("C", "funny; riddle")
header = headers.pop()
'C: funny; riddle'
headers = Header("A", "hello") + Header("B", "world") + Header("C", "funny; riddle")
header = headers.pop(1)
'B: world'
header = headers.pop("A")
'A: hello'
headers = Header("A", "hello") + Header("B", "world") + Header("C", "funny; riddle") + Header("B", "ending")
headers = headers.pop("B")
(str(headers[0]), str(headers[1]))
('world', 'ending')
Method popitem
def popitem(self) -> Tuple[str, str]
Pop the last header as a tuple (header name, header content).
Method to_dict
def to_dict(self) -> kiss_headers.structures.CaseInsensitiveDict
Provide a CaseInsensitiveDict output of current headers. This output type has been borrowed from psf/requests. If one header appears multiple times, it would be concatenated into the same value, separated by a comma. Be aware that this repr could lead to a mistake. You could also cast a Headers instance to dict() to get a case sensitive one. see method keys().
Method to_json
def to_json(self) -> str
Provide a JSON representation of Headers. JSON is by definition a string.
Method values
def values(self) -> NotImplemented
I choose not to implement values() on Headers as it would bring more confusion… Either we make it the same len as keys() or we don’t. Either way don’t please me. Hope to hear from the community about this.